Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Subfield
Creates a new Subfield Map, displays the properties of a Subfield Map, lets you edit the properties of an existing custom Subfield Map, or lets you edit properties of a Subfield Map as you copy it. You cannot change the properties of default (SirsiDynix-delivered) Subfield Maps, but you can edit the properties of Subfield Maps you have created for your library. You can copy default Subfield Maps and change the properties and needed for your library.
A Subfield Map is the part of a MARC Map that maps to the subfield of a tag in a MARC record. It contains properties and conditions specific to subfields. The tag data is contained the subfields of a MARC record.
After adding or making changes to any MARC Map, you will need to harvest any search sources that will be using that MARC Map for the changes to show up in the Searching interface. |
Search Configuration > MARC Maps >Configure (MARC 21 or UNIMARC) Tags > Configure Subfields > Add Tag Map
Search Configuration > MARC Maps >Configure (MARC 21 or UNIMARC) Tags > Configure Subfields > View
Search Configuration > MARC Maps >Configure (MARC 21 or UNIMARC) Tags > Configure Subfields > Edit
Search Configuration > MARC Maps >Configure (MARC 21 or UNIMARC) Tags > Configure Subfields > Copy
Displays the name of the current MARC Map.
MARC Standard
Displays the name of the current MARC Standard.
Tag Number
Displays the current MARC tag.
Displays or specifies the name of the tag subfield (one character) from which data will be extracted. For tags that have no subfields, the underscore character ( "_" ) indicates the unnamed subfield.
Beginning Punctuation
Displays or specifies the text string (up to 25 characters) that precedes the text string extracted from the tag. This is typically punctuation that separates text in the item detail display, but can also include HTML tags or introductory text.
Ending Punctuation
Displays or specifies the text string (up to 25 characters) that follows the text string extracted from the tag. This is typically punctuation that separates text in the item detail display, but can also include HTML tags or trailing text.
Displays or specifies conditions that must be met for the contents of the subfield to be imported (no size limit).
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Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy MARC Maps